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Also known as "The True Teaching, Practice, Faith and Realization of the Pure Land Way", it is considered Shinran's masterpiece. This text systematizes his doctrine and explains in depth the principles of Jōdo Shinshū.
"(...) The original vow, difficult to understand, is in truth a great ship that carries us across the difficult-to-cross ocean [of samsara]. The unhindered light is the sun of wisdom that disperses the darkness of our ignorance."
These are three collections of hymns written in Japanese to spread the teaching of the Pure Land among the people of his time who could not read classical Chinese:
(1) Shōzōmatsu Wasan (正像末和讃) - Hymns on the three periods (of Buddhist teaching).
(2) Kōsō Wasan (高僧和讃) - Hymns in praise of the masters.
(3) Jōdo Wasan (浄土和讃) - Hymns in praise of the Pure Land.
"It is through the compassion of Shakyamuni and Amida that we have realized the mind that aspires to be Buddha. It is by entering into the wisdom that is shinjin, that we respond to the gratitude of the Buddhas' benevolence."
Although traditionally attributed to Yuien, a disciple of Shinran, this text is vital to understanding Shinran's teachings and is considered a faithful compilation of his teachings.
"Even those who think they are good can be reborn in the Pure Land, how much more those who know they are evil!"
This text, called "Notes on the Meaning of the Pure Land Writings," serves as an abbreviated exposition of the contents that he later developed in the Kyōgyōshinshō.
"The radiant light, unhindered and inconceivable, eradicates suffering and brings joy; the excellent Name, which perfectly embodies all practices, removes obstacles and dispels doubt. These are the teaching and practice for our last age; devote yourself exclusively to them. They are the eyes and limbs in this impure world; do not cease to strive in them."
A collection of letters written by Shinran to his followers, providing advice and spiritual guidance.
"If you realize that the wisdom of the Buddhas surpasses conceptual understanding, there should be no calculation left in you. Just do not fall into doubt about the different things that people say. Simply surrender yourself to the vow of the Tathagata; avoid calculating in any way."
(1) Gutoku's notes
(2) Hymns on the two ways in and out
(3) Passages on the two aspects of the Tathagata's direction of merit
(4) Passages on the types of birth in the three sutras
(5) The virtue of the Name of the Tathagata Amida
"The heart of the wise is such that they are wise within and foolish without. The heart of Gutoku is such that he is foolish within and wise without."
(1) Notes on "Essentials of Faith Alone"
(2) Notes on "On the Single Call and the Multiple Call"
(3) Notes on "Inscriptions on the Sacred Scrolls"
"[Speaking about the expression 'sesshu fusha'] Never to be abandoned: These words teach us that the person of shinjin is embraced and protected by the heart of the Buddha of wisdom light and that he or she is never abandoned, but always resides within that heart of light."
Shinran Shōnin, Tannishō, II
(1) The Long Sutra on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life (Bussetsu Muryoju Gyo)
(2) The Sutra on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life (Bussetsu Kanmuryoju Gyo)
(3) The Sutra on Amida Buddha or Short Sutra (Bussetsu Amida Gyo)
(4) Chapter on Easy Practice (Jujubibasha Ron) by RYUJU BOSATSU
(5) The Twelve Hymns of Worship (Junirai) by RYUJU BOSATSU
(6) The Treatise on the Pure Land (Jodo Ron) by TENJIN BOSATSU
(7) The Verses of Aspiration for Birth in the Pure Land (Gansho Ge) by TENJIN BOSATSU
(8) The Commentary on the Treatise on the Pure Land (Jodo Ron Chu) by DONRAN
(9) Gatha in Praise of Amida Buddha (San Amidabutsu Ge) by DONRAN
(10) A Collection of Lines on the Country of Peace and Happiness (Anraku Shu) by DOSHAKU
(11) Commentary on the Sutra of Contemplation (Kanmuryoju Gyo Sho) by ZENDO
(12) Hymns of Liturgy (Hoji San) by ZENDO
(13) The Method of Contemplation (Kannen Homon) by ZENDO
(14) Hymns of Birth in the Pure Land (Ojoraisan Ge) by ZENDO
(15) Hymns of Praise for Birth in the Pure Land through Samadhi (Hanju San) by ZENDO
(16) Song on Refuge in the Triple Gem (Kisambo Ge) by ZENDO
(17) Foundations of Rebirth in the Pure Land (Ojoyoshu) by GENSHIN
(18) The Sermons of Yokawa (Yokawa Hogo) by GENSHIN
(19) Passages about the nembutsu chosen in the original vow (Hongan Nenbutsu Shu) by HONEN
(20) The profession of faith on a sheet of paper (Ichimai Kishomon) by HONEN
(21) The Seventeen Articles of the Constitution (Kenpo Jushichi Jo) by SHOTOKU DAISHI
(22) Treatise on the Foundations of Faith Alone (Yuishin Sho) by SEIKAKU
(23) Dialogues on the Life to Come (Gose Monogatari Kikigaki) by RYUKAN
(24) Treatise on the Single Call and the Multiple Call (Ichinen Tanen Funbetsu Koto) by RYUKAN
(25) Treatise on One's Own Power and the Other Power (Jiriki Tariki no Koto) by RYUKAN
(26) The True Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land Path (Ken Jodo Shinjitsu Kyogyosho Monrui)
(27) Hymns of the Pure Land (Jodo Wasan)
(28) Hymns of the Pure Land Masters (Koso Wasan)
(29) Hymns of the Dharma Ages (Shozomatsu Wasan)
(30) Passages on the Pure Land Path (Jodo Monrui Jusho)
(31) Notes on the Inscriptions in the Sacred Scrolls (Songo Shunzo Meimon)
(32) Notes on the Essentials of Faith Alone (Yuishinsho Mon-i)
(33) Notes on the Single Call and the Multiple Call (Ichinen Tanen Mon-i)
(34) Notes on Gutoku (Gutoku Sho)
(35) Gatha on the Two Doors of Entry and Exit (Nyushutsu Nimonge)
(36) Passages from the Three Sutras on Birth in the Pure Land (Jodo Sangyo Ojon Monrui)
(37) Notes on the Two Types of Merit Transfer (Nyorai Nishu Ekomon)
(38) The Virtue of Amida Tathagata's Name (Mida Nyorai Myogo Toku)
(39) On the Forty-Eight Vows (Shiju-hachi Daigan)
(40) A Torch for the Last Age (Mattosho)
(41) Letters from Shinran (Goshosokushu)
(42) Sayings of Zendo (Zendo Kasho Gon)
(43) The Compass Pointing West (Saiho Shinan Sho)
(44) Eshinni's letters
(45) Ceremonial Sermon of Gratitude (Hoonko Shiki) by KAKUNYO
(46) Biography of Shinran Shonin (Godensho) by KAKUNYO
(47) Treatise on Clinging to the Name (Shuji Sho) by KAKUNYO
(48) Treatise on Oral Transmissions (Kuden Sho) by KAKUNYO
(49) Treatise on Heresies (Gaija Sho) by KAKUNYO
(50) Fundamentals of Jodo Shinshu (Jodo Shin Yosho) by ZONKAKU
(51) Treatise on Reciting the Name (Jimyo Sho) by ZONKAKU
(52) Treatise Extolling the Virtue of Shinran Shonin (Tandoku Mon) by ZONKAKU
(53) Epistles of Rennyo Shonin (Gobunsho) by RENNYO
(54) Epistles of the Summer (Ge no Ofumi) by RENNYO
(55) Letter biographical on Shinran Shonin (Gozokusho) by RENNYO
(56) Jodo Shinshu Creed (Ryogemon) by RENNYO
(57) Commentary on the Shoshinge (Shoshinge Daigi) by RENNYO
(58) Sayings of Rennyo Shonin (Rennyo Shonin Goichidai Kikigaki) by JITSUNYO
(59) Ceremony of Praise to the Buddha (Sanbutsu Koshiki) by JA KUNYO
(60) A letter of award (Gosaidan no Gosho) by HONNYO
(61) Lamentation of the Divergences (Tannisho)
(62) On the Establishment of the Anjin (Anjin Ketsujo Sho)
(63) Fundamentals of the Kyogyoshinsho (Kyogyoshinsho Daii)
(64) Notes on the Transmission of the Jodo Shinshu (Shinshu Kechimyaku Denrai Sho)
Eshinni, letter 6.
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